The right-of-way acquisition process for the I-25/I-80 Interchange Project is proceeding in compliance with WYDOT’s right-of-way policy and the federal Uniform Act.
The project designers continue to work on the Grading Plan package. The Grading Plan package is currently 60 percent complete and is expected to be completed in the early spring of 2021.
The estimated cost of the project is between $207.2 million and $310.7 million. WYDOT continues to refine the total project cost as the design progresses. WYDOT continues to pursue funding sources and partner’s for design completion and construction. The construction start date of the I-25/I-80 and I-25/Lincolnway Interchange Project is contingent upon WYDOT securing funding.
When funding is secured, construction could occur in three phases (see proposed construction phasing here), each lasting approximately three years. Each phase would function independently and provide stand-alone benefits, regardless of subsequent phases. The construction contractor and WYDOT will work together to create a phasing plan that maximizes improvement while minimizing disruption to existing traffic flow.
In August 2020, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that the Preferred Alternative (which includes full replacement of both the Interstate (I)-25/I-80 and I-25/U.S. Highway 30 (Lincolnway) interchanges, lengthened merge and diverge areas, flyover ramps, auxiliary lanes, braided ramps, widening the curve along eastbound I-80 approaching the interchange, expanding the radius of remaining cloverleaf ramps, and variable message and new static signage) will have no significant impact on the human or natural environment. This Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is based on the Environmental Assessment for the I-25/I-80 Interchange, Laramie County (FHWA—WYDOT—EA-20-01) (EA) and subsequent comments received during the public and agency review period, which have been independently evaluated by FHWA. FHWA has determined that the EA adequately and accurately discusses the need, environmental issues, and impacts of the proposed project and appropriate mitigation measures. The EA provides sufficient evidence and analysis for determining that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. The FHWA takes full responsibility for the accuracy, scope, and content of the EA.
The FONSI and supporting appendices can be viewed by visiting the following web address:
Should you have any questions please feel free to reach out to any member of the project team or WYDOT's I-25/I-80 Interchange Project Manager, Andrea Allen, at 307-777-4135, or
The virtual public meeting for the I-25/I-80 Interchange Project was held June 29th through July 1st. The virtual public meeting provided the public and agencies the opportunity to review information on project history, transportation needs for the project, WYDOT’s anticipated next steps, and submit any comments regarding the project. While the public comment period has ended, you can still contact the project team through the project website ( or contact the WYDOT's I-25/I-80 Interchange Project Manager, Andrea Allen, at 307-777-4135, or
As part of the virtual public meeting, a live comment event was held June 30th, 2020 from 4:30 pm to 6:00pm. This live comment event functioned as a public forum for members of the public to ask questions and voice concerns to the project team.
WYDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced the availability for public review of the final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the I-25/I-80 Interchange Project. The EA and supporting appendices can be accessed through the following link: In accordance with 23 CFR §771, a formal 30-day public comment and review period began June 8th and extend through July 7th, 2020. During this time, WYDOT encouraged members of the public to review the EA and provide comments on the Preferred Alternative or provide any other input to the project. Physical copies of the EA and supporting appendices were available for public viewing at the following locations:
WYDOT Headquarters Environmental Services Dept.
5300 Bishop Blvd
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
615 W 20th St,
Cheyenne, WY 82001

I-25/I-80 Interchange Project
The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) is in the preliminary stages of design to reconstruct the I-25/I-80 interchange in Cheyenne.
Project Description
The I-25/I-80 interchange is a transportation focal point that facilitates the movement of people and goods on a local, regional, and national level. With no major improvements made since its construction in the 1960s, the interchange needs to be brought up to current interstate safety and mobility standards. The project proposes a full replacement of the existing I-25/I-80 interchange, as well as a full replacement of the I-25/ Lincolnway interchange because of its proximity to the I-25/I-80 interchange
The purpose of the project is to improve safety, accommodate future traffic volumes, and support local development. Below is a 3D flyover showing the preliminary design of the interchange.
Take a closer look at the project study area using our Interactive Map. The interactive map includes environmental elements in the study area as well as preliminary design components of the interchange. The map also allows you to provide location specific feedback on the project.
Direct questions about the project to:
Andrea Allen - Project Manager