Why is the Project Needed?
The I-25/I-80 interchange is the largest and most heavily used interchange in Wyoming. It serves local, state, and national travel needs, and is the primary interchange in Wyoming for interstate commerce. As a junction of two interstate highways, the I-25/I-80 interchange serves important national mobility needs, particularly in cross-country freight movement.
Originally constructed in the 1960s, the interchange is outdated compared to modern interstate design standards. Because of the facility’s age and growth in traffic demands a pressing need for infrastructure improvements exists. This necessity is driven by high crash rates, operational deficiencies, and increasing travel demands of passenger vehicles and heavy trucks. The tight loop ramp geometry, short acceleration and deceleration lanes, and entering/exiting vehicle weave movements contribute to the occurrence of approximately 70 crashes per year on average, of which approximately 20 percent result in injury. In addition to improving the interchange’s traffic flow and safety, the project will also accommodate future traffic needs—particularly for heavy trucks—and support Cheyenne’s local development goals.